Tuesday 6 July 2010

I've been loving...

..the mysteries of Big Cat's in Britain! I always have loved the idea ever since my dad became one of the eye witnesses claiming to have seen one on building work opposite our old house when I was a kid. Dad ain't the type to make stuff up like that and the fact that so many other people claim to have also seen them around this area and many more in Britain I'm sure we have the odd big cat roaming around at least I hope so.
I've been reading articles on this for hours and there really ain't much evidence other then so many people reporting seeing them. At the end of my search I found this cool 20min Doc on Big Cat's in Britain and I loved it...I love a good doc, I need to see more on big cats because I'm a big fan!

Also while looking up big cats in Britain I found a list of all the kinds of big cat and I came across the most amazing, most beautiful living thing I've ever seen check out this beauty...

Caracal Cats

Aw so cute 2 lil Caracal Kittens and a Lion cub, bless!

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