a few pics from the fash fair! didnt take enough as usual! we had a good old time tho, met some cool people [tape chain boys, kate (gobbolino), naomi(last pic)&helen&clare (working on the stall over there) and the guys with the bad ass hand drawn hats (cant remeber their names but if i find them again i'll put a link up cos their stuff is really cool) brighton seems like a very lovely place to be =] we stayed at grandads caravan, its the first time ive been there (kelly) and i thought it was so amazing!! mega luxury dude! its got 4 bedrooms!! wtf?! and a massive sofa and tv! we were so knackered we crashed pretty early (after we met our good friend fire fingers for some beachy splif time and crazy chinese buffet food - love u firefingerss!!) we watched signs and went to bed!
hope to see u soon brighton!
check out red mutha for future fashion fairs and info on everything red mutha!
(they are safe as fuck AND sell really cool stuff - check out those maccy d rings they made for lele!!)
love and vom
did u sell lots of shit? x