hallo! just watched bruno the other day so the speaking voice in my head is bruno's for now. usually its australian, not sure why but anyways bruno was pretty sick! floppy willies swinging in the wind is always funny right? [see that film 'sex drive', sounds dodgy but its hilarious] im a bit annoyed tho because really the film was ruined by the fucking epic trailers they have nowadays! why do they have to show the whole film in the trailer?! knob heads!
incase u hadnt noticed, ive turned orange! wtf? i hid from the sun for about 3 years so i could be a pastey goth and now look, one day in the friggin sun and im tangoed damn it 'olive skin' its not even olive! but dougie looks cute! so worth putting up.
yesterday i went to the races with my dad, we ate fish and chips and lost all the bets we put down but it was nice! i have to ride in a race before i die, gonna try and sort that out, maybe do a charity race or something which would be soooooo sick =] i wanted to be a jockey but im too tall =[ ..struggling artist was only my b plan!

what else... erm not tooo much... just the usual stoner shit! [maybe alot happened but my memory is only getting worse] .. started watching 24...it aint no lost! omg i got the lost game on the xbox! only played it for half hour the other day cos i felt ill but im pretty excited to get back to it! (xbox lives at my bf's =[)
oh and me and lele got started on planning/rehearsing the live show for when we start doing gigs again THANK FUCK! touring is the one!! also another music vid in the works! =p & i been doing some paintings! prints will be avalible for purchase soon as well as original art works... i'll keep u posted on that! like u care! pah! lol its ok i got that PMA, i know u care.
later lovelies
jackson kid x
p.s finally got my old camera working n found this pic of me n lele n also a nice one of billy vincent when we saw them play..i cant even remember.